Sicco Santema

Function: Founder & Board member

Contact Sicco

What is your background?
I am a professor in network design & innovation, especially interested in circulair networks that can use output material as input and thus reduce their footprint as much as possible.

Why is Aethos important to you?
Everything on earth lives from the earth, so I see it as an obligation (and challenge) to be as cautious with the earth as we can be. For our children as well as for ourselves. For now it means to reduce our footprint as much as possible. Using existing materials for feedstock is one of the good options. I see our activities as beneficial to the whole society.

What goal do you want to reach?
I see a two step approach to make sure that the materials stay in use:
1. We start to re-cycle aircraft materials into feedstock for materials for new aircrafts.
2. We start to clean up end of life aircraft, from the dessert to new materials.

What is funny to know about you?
I am a fan of FCUtrecht and I cannot swim.

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Together we will maken aircraft recycling more sustainable.

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