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Guest lecture to the students of Antwerp Management School and University of Antwerp

February 21, 2025

Inspiration and Impact at Antwerp Management School 🌟 Last Wednesday, our founder, Derk-Jan van Heerden, gave an inspiring guest lecture to the students of Antwerp Management School and university of Antwerp. It was a great opportunity to introduce Aethos to the students and highlight the importance of recycling aviation materials and the complexities involved. As a token of appreciation, Derk-Jan received a gift from AMS – a voucher that could be used for various purposes. In line with Aethos’ values, he chose to donate it to the Children’s Cancer Fund. A small gesture with a big impact. 💙 At Aethos, we believe in sharing knowledge and making a positive impact. A big thank you to Antwerp Management School for the invitation and to all the students for their engagement and thought-provoking questions!

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Opinion: Funds Required To Improve Aircraft Recycling

November 25, 2024

We at Aethos are committed to fostering sustainable practices in the aviation industry. Thank you to Aviation Week Network for sharing the urgent need for increased funding to improve aircraft recycling. Multiple steps are needed of which Aethos is one of the entities trying to take steps. Critical steps include: 1. Material Transparency: Enhancing recycling rates through clear material disclosure. 2. Global Standards: Harmonizing regulations to streamline recycling processes. 3. Innovative Research: Investing in new technologies for better recycling outcomes. A special thanks to Amy Bann and our Derk-Jan van Heerden, both a former Aircraft Fleet Recycling Association (AFRA) board member, for highlighting this initiative in such an international aviation oriented media network.

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DCMC-event 13 Nov 2024 - Recycling of Composites in MRO

November 13, 2024

On Wednesday, November 13th, the Development Center for Maintenance of Composites (DCMC), in partnership with Aviolanda Aerospace and Fokker Services Group, hosted the 'Recycling of Composites in MRO' event. The event featured insightful presentation from Derk-Jan van Heerden who shared his latest activities, ideas, and innovative research on composite recycling. For those who missed his presentation or wish to learn more, you can read an overview and key takeaways from his talk here under read more.

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The Journey of Derk-Jan van Heerden

November 11, 2024

We are incredibly proud of Derk-Jan van Heerden, the founder of our foundation, who has shared his inspiring story in Het Financieele Dagblad under the section "Adversity." Even when life unexpectedly comes to a halt, Derk-Jan tirelessly continues to contribute to the well-being of others. His resilience and dedication are a shining example for all of us at Aethos. Read his story and be inspired by his unbreakable spirit and determination to remain valuable to everyone, despite all challenges.

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Van Heerden fights for better aircraft recycling despite terminal illness

October 11, 2024

The reuse of aircraft parts has become global practice but for Derk-Jan van Heerden, founder and former md of Netherlands-based Aircraft End-of-Life Solutions (AELS), one dream remains: more recycling of metals and plastics from retired airplanes. To pursue this vision, Van Heerden launched the Aethos Foundation.

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Stichting Aethos wil recycling vliegtuigmaterialen van de grond krijgen

October 9, 2024

Stichting Aethos wil recycling vliegtuigmaterialen van de grond krijgen. Het hergebruiken van onderdelen uit vliegtuigen gebeurt inmiddels wereldwijd. Maar voor AELS (Aircraft End-Of-Life Solutions) oprichter en voormalig directeur Derk-Jan van Heerden is er nog één droom: de recycling van de metalen en plastics uit de vliegtuigen verbeteren. Daarvoor richtte hij vorig jaar Stichting Aethos op.

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Luchtvaartsector moet inzetten op betere recycling

August 26, 2024

Vliegtuigen gaan jaren mee, maar er komt een punt dat ze aan het einde van hun levensduur zijn. Jaarlijks worden er zo’n 900 ontmanteld, maar er blijft nog relatief veel restafval over. “De sector moet nadenken over nog betere recycling”, betoogt Derk-Jan van Heerden, bekend van AELS en initiatiefnemer van stichting Aethos, in de Luchtvaartnieuws Podcast.

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Little thought is given to high-value recycling in the aircraft industry

August 17, 2024

Derk-Jan van Heerde is a man on a mission. An aerospace engineer, the founder of AELS (Aircraft End-Of-Life Solutions) and president of the global association for sustainable aircraft dismantling AFRA (Aircraft Fleet Recycling Association), when it comes to improving the recycling of aircraft materials he definitely sees opportunities.

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Revolutionizing Aviation and Redefining Life: Derk-Jan van Heerden’s Guide to Living Fully

August 16, 2024

In this new inspiring episode of the Love Not Fear podcast, Eduard Brink sits down with Derk-Jan van Heerden for a heart-to-heart that you won't want to miss. Derk-Jan opens up about his incredible journey as an entrepreneur in the aviation world and his recent battle with cancer. He gives us a peek into the inner workings of his company, AELS, dives into the tricky business of aircraft recycling, and shares how he's shifted gears to focus more on what truly matters — enjoying life and cherishing moments with loved ones. This conversation is all about resilience, sustainability, and the art of finding balance in the chaos of life. Come join us for a chat that’s as real as it gets!

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Talk - Derk-Jan van Heerden - Ik wil een klein stukje verbetering brengen

March 10, 2017

Derk-Jan van Heerden is oprichter van het niet-alledaagse bedrijf AELS. Aircraft End-of-Life Solutions ontmantelt afgedankte vliegtuigen en verhandelt de componenten en materialen. Derk-Jan onderneemt vanuit pure passie voor zijn vak. Hij wil de beste zijn, niet persé de grootste. Met een gezonde dosis naïviteit stapte hij in het ondernemerschap. Tien jaar verder vertelt hij in een openhartig gesprek wat je voelt als je eerste vliegtuig wordt afgeleverd; waarom het belangrijk is dat je elke ochtend netjes je bed opmaakt; en waarom je een ontmantelaar nooit een sloper moet noemen.

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