

Bladibl story about that an aircraft is made our of different componentsand that they are sorted according to ATA Chapter.

Under construction
The page is not yet complete and partly under construction. This also applies to the related pages Materials, components and recycling.


26-30Explosion Suppression
56-20 Windows

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If you want to contribute torecycling of aircraft materials, become a friend of Aethos.

We would like to become friends with anyone involved in the complex recycling puzzle that we are trying to solve. Share your information below and let’s start a discussion about how we can help each other. This way, we succeed in creating a better world. We need to have conversations with each other to turn success into a real change.


Every donation is welcome.

With your donation we can conduct research into recycling of airline materials and contribute to sustaining ourworld.
Together we will maken aircraft recycling more sustainable.

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Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or if you want to inform us about something that youthink is important.

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