Roelof Vos

Function: Board member

Contact Roelof

What is your background?
I studied aerospace engineering at TU Delft and earned my Ph.D. at the University of Kansas. Since 2009, I have been working at the Aerospace Engineering Faculty of TU Delft. I teach courseson Aircraft and Aerodynamic Design. My research focuses on new technologies to enable sustainable aviation. One of these technologies is the Flying V, a more efficient aircraft configuration for long-haul flights.

Why is Aethos important to you?
I would like to contribute to sustainable aviation. For me, this implies that airplanes need to become less harmful to the environment throughout their operational life and there after.

What goal do you want to reach?
If we can implement end-of-life innovations in a sustainable way in day-to-day practice, I would be very happy.

What is funny to know about you?
I recently completed my first 10k run!

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