Function: Volunteer
What is your background?
After completing aerospace engineering atDelft University of Technology, I worked for 30 years in the aerospace sector.From working with and/or for many aerospace sector parties, I had the privilegeto experience a large part of the aircraft life cycle. Design and test atuniversities and research centres, via certification at regulators, through productionat aircraft manufacturers and finally in operation at airlines.
Why is Aethos important to you?
Although I had to close my professionalwork in 2023, I would still like to help the aerospace sector forward. Onsafety, efficiency and sustainability. Many activities are underway to improvesustainability, but aircraft end-of-life is relatively new and unknownterritory. While there is much to gain, both financially and for society.
What goal do you want to reach?
The ambition of Aethos is to close theaircraft material circle from end-of-life activities until (back to) aircraftmanufacturing. For this, research organisations, aircraft manufacturers,aircraft operators, end-of-life company’s and waste processing organisationsneed to work together. My goal is to support Aethos in the background toachieve this ambition.
What is funny to know about you?
I am not funny 😉.
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