Machiel den Ouden

Function: Project Manager

Contact Machiel

What is your background?
Since graduating from TU Delft as an Aerospace Engineer, I have been working in the fascinating aerospace industry. I have held several roles, including Project Manager on the A350 outboard flap, and overseen operations at a dynamic cubesat company. With this experience, I embarked on a freelancing journey to support companies and organizations with their challenging projects.

Why is Aethos important to you?
I share Derk-Jan’s vision and mission to make the aircraft industry sustainable. Achieving this ambitious goal necessitates extensive research and innovation as well as in the field of aircraft material recycling. Nowadays, most end-of-life aircraft are parked in the dessert or after dismantling a significant portion of the remaining materials end up in incinerators or, even worse, landfills.If we are able to reverse this and convert waste into valuable raw materials, we can reduce our footprint on this pale blue dot we call home.

What goal do you want to reach?
As a team member, my goal is to strengthen the foundation of AETHOS. Using my aerospace expertise and passion, I’ll ensure that interesting and promising research will reach the industry for practical applications.  Additionally, I aim to expand our network of experts, companies, research institutes, and others who support AETHOS’s goal: Improving the aircraft material recycling process.”

What is funny to know about you?
Annually, my university friends and I head to the Zwarte Cross festival for an amazing weekend filled with music, daring stunts, and loads of fun.

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