Ligeia Paletti

Function: Board member

Contact Ligeia

What is your background?
I studied Aerospace Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, before moving to Delft to (try to) pursue a PhD in the field of structural integrity. After partially failing at that, I have worked as a structural aeronautical engineer for many years on many aircraft programmes. Then, in 2019 while at NLR, the topic of “circular economy in aviation” landed on my desk (literally). With my structural integrity background, the concept of “keeping products in service as long as possible” was crystal clear, but I have found out that in reality there are many obstacles (mainly non-technological) to keep aircraft and their components in service as long as really possible. So, I moved to DLR in January 2024 to research how to improve that.

Why is Aethos important to you?
There is a lot of research work done on recycling processes or technologies to keep monitor aircraft usage. But not much of that research is really implemented, and most of the times the barriers are not technological. Aethos can be a way to address the obstacles towards more reuse and recycling of aircraft components and materials.

What goal do you want to reach?
I want to make a circular aircraft, an aircraft which is designed, operated and retired within a circular economy.  

What is funny to know about you?
I love the colour pink and I am obsessed with pandas.

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