Derk-Jan van Heerden

Function: Founder & Board member

Contact Derk-Jan

What is your background?
I studied Aerospace Engineering at the Delft University of Technology. At the end Igraduated on the subject: “How to recycle an aircraft?“. Directly afterreaching my MSc title, I started AELS. The company has successfully grown and has disassembled many aircraft for years. I also joined the AFRA board where Ialso took the president position.

Why is Aethos important to you?
Aviation is an amazing market where re-use of components is very successful. Recycling of the materials is a point where aviation can become better. This is, however, not the place where money is being made and there for requires Aethos to raise the bar.

What goal do you want to achieve?
Making recycling of aircraft material closed loop. The recycled material is being used to make new aircraft.

What is funny to know about you?
I’m a big fan of music. My favorite band is Radiohead. Not many like it though…

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